


Need a Toenail Reconstruction?

Get in touch to see if you are suitable for treatment and get a Registered Podiatrist to start your treatment!


What is Toenail Reconstruction?

Toenail reconstruction is a cosmetic procedure where we build a new nail for you. A fully Registered Podiatrist uses a specialist gel that is layered either directly onto the nail bed if there is no nail present due to trauma or surgery. If your nail is unsightly or discoloured, we can create a brand new nail with a natural look.

How long does it last?

Nail reconstruction is not permanent, the length of time it lasts varies massively from person to person. The recommended time is 4-6weeks. However, previous clients have got 8-12 months from their reconstruction treatment.

Is the gel Acrylic?

The nail is described as a prosthetic, it is not an acrylic nail. Instead, it is designed to look and feel precisely the same as a natural nail. It is flexible, has anti-fungal properties and will not cause damage or restrict growth to the natural nail.

Who is this suitable for?

Anyone! Men and women with thickened nails, nail tufts, or spikes that have been left after nail surgery, discoloured nails, fungal nails, diabetics, psoriatic nails or those with no nail at all.

How much is the treatment?

Toenail Reconstruction is £35-£60.